Grandfather Glows (SOLD OUT)
The dates for this event have already occurred, please check back again for new dates.
- Dates: June 29, 2022
- Time: 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM
- Location: Grandfather Mountain
- Address: 2050 Blowing Rock Highway, Linville, NC 28646
- Price: Adults - $60, Children - $35, Under 4 - FREE
Have the rare opportunity to see Synchronous Fireflies, Blue Ghost Fireflies and Glowworms, weather and conditions permitting (rain date is June 30). Grandfather Mountain is home to the Photinus carolinus, the only species of firefly in North America whose individuals can synchronize their lighting display, meaning they can flash in unison. Find out more & register for the event at the website linked above. Participation is limited to 200.
Phone: (828) 733-2013